Data Visualization
ApplicationOur distributed mixed-reality environment, Aroaro (Presence), enables decision-makers to interact simultaneously over a common visual display of abstract data while providing each participant with their own perspective of the dataset. The ability to “move” (walk or fly) through the data coupled with query filtering and highlighting enhances a user’s perception of the information that can be revealed and used in analysis and deliberation. This is possible thanks to an excellent team. Human power is powerful.
Innovative way
Create a Visualisation from a Dataset

Create visualiZation in Aroaro
We believe everything can be collected as data, but it may be difficult for everyone to find valuable insights in massive data. 2D data visualization may be limited. In Aroaro, we designed an innovative way to use the Mapping Matrix to map data to VISUALIZATION.

Visualization is created by mapping data attributes to point attributes.
use case 1
Tabular Dataset 3D Visualization

Open dataset
You can scroll to see more data and attributes with your controllers in Aroaro VR or with your hand in Aroaro AR.

Create 3d SCATTER PLOT visualiZatIon
A Scatter plot is a common type of visualization on 2D platforms. In Aroaro, you can create it in a 3D manner. You can rotate it with your controller or hands, walk or fly into it and touch it. The data can be around you! We aim to improve interactions for enjoyable experiences in the insight discovery journey.
use case 2
Network Dataset Immersive Visualization
Users of Aroaro data visualization tools have a wide range of options for visualizing tabular data sets, but as rich as they may become, tabular data sets do not necessarily convey information about existing relationships or link between the entities, also known as nodes.
A network data set, on the other hand, necessitates two datasets:
- Nodes, the objects of interest.
- Edges, the links that contain the connectivity information of a network.
Aroaro Network Data VisualiZation Engine
The video highlights the basic functions available in Aroaro VR for network dataset visualization.
Please watch to see how immersive data visualization with Network Dataset can help your business, research and analytics.